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The m9 is pleased to have had the opportunity to perform at a benefit show at the Sarajevo Lounge in Seattle. Together with Orkestar RTW, Balkanarama, Dromeno and the Bucharest Drinking Team, the organizers raised $1,674! More benefits are planned going forward. Spread the word about this situation and about the benefits to your friends and family, please.

Folks, we are hearing more and more about the terribly flooding which has gripped large parts of Bosnia and Serbia this spring.  The worst flooding on record is devastating some of the poorest regions of some of the poorest countries in Europe. Please consider donating whatever you can spare to help the victims of this catastrophe. The m9 is pleased to have the opportunity to perform at a benefit show this Sunday night after Folklife at the Sarajevo Lounge in Seattle. We are asking for $10 or whatever you can spare at the door, with the money being split between organizations directly helping in Bosnia and Serbia. Also on the bill will be Orkestar RTW, Balkanarama, Dromeno and the Bucharest Drinking Team. Another benefit at Sarajevo Lounge is scheduled to take place on Saturday with members of Kultur Shock and more benefits are planned going forward. Spread the word about this situation and about the benefits to your friends and family, please.

Saturday Night: https://www.facebook.com/events/243698562497948

Sunday Night: https://www.facebook.com/events/500506976742335

This weekend, The m9 is in Vancouver, BC for the annual Ederlezi Brass Festival. The festival features three-time Guca winner, and master trumpeter Demiran Cerimovic as well as Balkan bands from around the northwest.  Featured this year will be Orkestar Zirkonium and the Bucharest Drinking Team, each of Seattle, Washington and each sharing members with The m9. The festival host band is the venerable Orkestar Slivovica. If you have the chance, check us out Friday night at 9 or Saturday night at 8. The doors open at 7 each night, and links to tickets can be found on our events page.   We’re ready to rock Vancouver with our own take on the Balkan brass sound. Ziveli!

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